What is the best time to send your email marketing?

Steve White 2 mins

Alarm clock

Sending email marketing is a great way to stay connected with your customers and potential customers. But if you’re not careful, sending emails at the wrong time can do more harm than good. After all, if someone doesn’t open your marketing emails, they won’t read them—and you’ll lose out on valuable opportunities to build trust, establish your reputation as an expert in your field, and make a sale. So when is the best time to send email marketing? Let’s take a look at some tips that can help you find out.

The time of day when you send your email marketing makes a difference in open rates

It’s all about your audience.

When you’re sending a monthly email, for example, and you know that the majority of your readers are going to be at work during their lunch break, or on their commute home from work, consider sending your marketing emails at those times. If most of your readers are college students living in dorm rooms who have limited internet access while they’re away from their computers during the day (but more time on weekends), keep in mind that they’ll actually be more likely to read an email sent late in the day when they have access again.

The best time to send email marketing depends on your audience and what they expect from you

The best time to send your email marketing depends on your audience and what they expect from you.

If you’re a daily deal site, sending an email at midnight is likely going to get ignored by most of your customers because they’ll assume it’s spam or a phishing attempt. However, if you send an offer for a discount on pizza around lunchtime, when people are hungry and looking for somewhere to eat, it’s likely that many will open the email and click through.

You may need to experiment to find the best time to send email marketing for your audience

You may need to experiment to find the best time to send email marketing for your audience. To do this, try sending at different times of day and see if there are any noticeable differences in opens or engagement.

Chalk board with the word test

If you use Google Analytics or another web analytics tool that tracks how long visitors spend on your website, then you can also look at the data from your “referral” traffic (that is, traffic that came from an email). This will allow you to see if there’s an uptick in traffic from emails sent at certain times of day.


We believe that the best time to send email marketing is a personal decision based on your audience, your goals, and what you want them to do.

You can also test different times to see which one works best for you. Every business is unique, so don’t be afraid to experiment!


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